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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Rescuing Pandora (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

  “I have to tell you something,” she whispered.

  “If you tell me one more thing about your beautiful scars—”

  She placed her finger against his lips, and laughed. “Okay. But it’s not about my scars.” She paused and took a deep breath, feeling so safe and protected here in the water with his arms around her. Unhooking her ankles, she stood in his arms and looked deep into those smoke gray eyes. “I want you to know that you’re still the only man I’ve ever slept with.”

  Emotions danced across his face and finally confusion won out. “But, Mohammed?”

  “Was injured long before he met me, during his time in the Iraqi Army.” She shook her head. “Impotence was the worst part of his injury, and a limp that he worked hard to hide was the least of it. He loved me, but he respected the fact that we saved him from shame in front of his countrymen even more. He never touched me, not like that.”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered to me, Pan. Either way. I love you and I’m never letting you out of my sight again.” Picking her up in his arms, he carried her out of the water and laid her down on the quilt. “I hope you understand what that means.”

  “I feel the same way. I don’t ever want to go through something like that again. It’s why I’ve been so afraid to just let go and be with you. I got you back for less than a day, and you were gone again. Three months, Cam. For three months, I didn’t know if you’d died for real or not.”

  Kissing her long and hard, he pulled back, “I promise that we will grow old together and die on the same day.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” Reaching up, she slid her hands into his hair and tugged. When his head was close, she nipped his lips and then kissed his jaw before whispering, “Now, if you don’t get inside of me, I’m going to lose my mind.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”


  Cam covered her body with his, letting his lips take control again. Her hands roamed his muscled back and down to the most perfect ass she’d ever seen on a man. Scraping her nails against his skin, he arched and hissed through his teeth.

  “I want you, now,” she whispered. Her body was on fire.

  “Not yet, sugar.”

  Then he proceeded to turn her body into one big screaming nerve ending. He kissed, licked and sucked his way from her lips, paying close attention to her straining breasts. Sucking hard, his tongue flicked over her nipple until he bit gently. Letting go with a pop, he moved to the other one, giving it the same attention. Her nipple jutted up into the cool air, hard and painfully erect.

  “I think you might actually kill me with pleasure.”

  He chuckled, “What a way to go.”

  Each rib was kissed, as if he were cataloguing her body as he went, making sure everything was where he left it. Laying his cheek against her stomach, he rubbed back and forth, the small friction of his five o’clock shadow added a delicious little burn. It was a tender move and yet still arousing. And then his tongue dipped down into her belly button.

  She giggled. “Cam!”

  “Shush, you’ll wake the squirrels,” he growled, as he moved to her scars. “Do you know how lovely you are? I’ve been a walking hard-on for weeks now, and that was with your clothes on.”

  “I was an idiot. We could have been doing this the whole time.”

  His kissed the line of her scar before moving further down.

  Her legs spread as if programmed and she knew what magic was in store. Her fingers buried themselves in his thick hair as he teased her, nipping her inner thighs, ever closer to where she needed him most. He drove her insane. And when his tongue touched her clit, she moaned long and loud.

  “Oh, God, yesssss.”

  “Fuck, you make me hard,” he said.

  Using his tongue, he licked her up and down and her hips were moving, meeting his mouth as her back arched and she made noises she couldn’t even control. The things he did to her. And when he slid his finger into her wet depths, she lost it. Shuddering, her brain exploded into a kaleidoscope of color as her body took over. The orgasm crashed through her, washing over her like the waves of the lake.

  “I love watching you come for me.”

  She loved his satisfied grin, but now that she’d had a little fun, she wanted to explore him. “My turn,” she said.

  * * *

  Cam lay on his back, perfectly content to let her take over. His control was good, having gone too long without any kind of release. He could afford to let her have some power over him. But not too long. Being inside of his wife when he let go was what he wanted.

  “My turn for some torture, huh?”

  “Damn, skippy,” she said as she eyed him. Just her bright eyes looking him up and down like he was the best piece of steak she’d ever seen was a turn on. ‘Course, she could’ve been blind folded and covered in oily rags and he would still be turned on.

  Cam put his arms up and over his head, folding them to make a pillow to watch her. On her knees by his side, her coral-tipped nipples peeked at him through the threads of her long red hair. She looked like some pagan fertility goddess, all curves and rounded edges. And when she finally touched him, her cool fingers ignited his burning skin.

  “I’m all yours,” he said, watching her bite her lip.

  “I know.” And he could tell that she did. He wanted to prove that he was hers in every way a man could give himself to a woman. Body, heart, and soul. It was a major turn on. Touching his chest, she smoothed her hands over the hard slabs of muscle, tracing the small scars she found here and there.

  “I missed having you at my mercy.”

  Cam grinned. “Torture away, my Queen.”

  So she did. Kissing him with those full lips, she began the same quest he’d performed on her, playing with his flat nipples. He sucked in a deep breath and his body tensed. She was careful to stay at his side, not touching him with any part of her body but her hands and mouth. And being very careful to stay away from the part straining toward her.

  She ran her tongue across his chest. His skin glistened where she kissed him, biting him here and there. His stomach sucked in when she kissed her way down his abs. He didn’t earn them by hours in the gym; his body was honed by war, and by hardship from using his body in ways most men would never dream of. At this moment, he was proud that his body turned her on as much as hers did him. Her scars didn’t mean a thing to him, other than prove how tough she was to survive, so they could be together again.

  “I’m not going to last too much longer, sugar. I want you too much.”

  She grinned up at him, knowing he’d last for her. “You’ll make it.” She turned her head quickly and took him into her mouth.

  “Holy fuck,” he yelled.

  “The squirrels,” she reminded him, before taking him again in her hot, wet, mouth. He hit the back of her throat and she hummed low, vibrating him. He almost lost it right then, control be damned.

  “Jesus,” he moaned. “Fuck, that feels good. I need to be inside of you. Like yesterday.”

  Letting his erection slide out of her mouth, she turned, put both hands on his chest and threw her leg over his body. Sitting astride, she rose up, positioned him, and sat down with one long glide until he was so far inside of her that he was sure his eyes rolled back into his head.

  “It’s been so long,” she moaned.

  Unable to stop himself, he couldn’t keep from using his hands to grab her hips. He couldn’t let her set the pace, he was too ready. Too turned on. He thrust up as she came down, meeting in the middle as they got into a rhythm. Her breasts jumped and bounced and it was the best goddamn sight he’d ever seen.

  Pandora’s head was thrown back, mouth open in ecstasy as she rode him. His feet were planted on the quilt and the wet slide of their bodies as they melded was worth everything. The connection, the passion—he reveled in it.

  “I love you, Cam,” she said. Leaning forward, she twined her fingers with his, letting him steady her as she rocked back and forth. She moved
faster as her passion rose, eyes locked on his. Her skin flushed and glistened as they moved together.

  “Lean back, baby.”

  Using his knees, she leaned back and he grabbed her by the hips again, wildly bucking up into her, feeling her inner muscles begin to contract. The tingling started in his head and raced down his body, but he wanted her with him and she was almost there. Reaching down, he used his thumb to flick and rub her clit. She screamed and stiffened, her inner muscles gripping and releasing him.

  Her second orgasm hit her harder than the first, and this time he felt every moment of it. It tipped him over the edge as he thrust up into her twice more and exploded. Dear God, it had been so long. Words escaped him as he pumped into her, his body tensed in release. She laid down on him, still connected, her face against his chest as their breathing raced out of control.

  Cam rubbed her back, loving the feel of her silken skin. Her hair was a wild mess that tickled his nose, but he didn’t care. She smelled like roses and sex—best combination ever. And when his breathing was close to normal, he only had one question.

  “Will you marry me?”

  Pandora propped herself up on his chest and kissed his chin. “But we’re already married.”

  “That was a lifetime ago and we were different people. I want to bind you to me in every way I can, again. For life.”

  She smiled. And those sea green eyes misted over. “Of course, I’ll marry you. I love you. I’ve always loved you and will until the day I die.”

  “Which will be at the same moment I do, because I love you too much to ever live without you again.” Cam sat up, still holding her in his arms and reached for his pants. When his fingers dove into the front pocket he felt the velvet of the little box he’d stashed there. Pulling it out, he saw a tear slip down her cheek. “Ah, hell, sugar. This is supposed to make you happy.”

  “It is making me happy,” she cried. And when he didn’t move fast enough, she made an impatient noise. “Open it already.”

  So he did, and inside was a one carat princess cut diamond for his lady. His woman. His world. “The first time around, we were poor but happy. This time, I was able to get you the ring you deserve.”

  Pandora shook her head. “I loved my plain gold band. I would have never left it behind if things had been different. But this—this is too much.”

  He smiled, hearing the awe in her voice. “Well, if you don’t like it, then I’ll just throw it in the lake.”

  “You will not,” she said, before taking the box from his hand.

  He took out the ring and she held up her left hand. The ring slid on as if it had always been there. “With this ring—”

  “I thee wed,” she finished. Then she threw her arms around his neck and rained kisses on him. “Let’s get married tomorrow. We can go down to the Justice of the Peace.”

  Cam shook his head. “No, Ma’am. I have some friends that will want to come and see this. Ghost would try and kick my ass if he and his guys weren’t invited. Plus, I need to get ahold of Hawk and Blue. This will give them something to look forward to.”

  “You make me so happy, Cam. I love you.”

  “I think this is where I make a joke about Pandora’s box.”

  She slapped him on the shoulder while she laughed, and it was with pure happiness that he picked up his soon-to-be-wife—again—and carried her back into the water. It had been a hard road, and even when he was convinced all hope was lost, he’d been given a gift. The gift of his wife and his son, who he would spend the rest of his life loving.


  “Let’s kick everyone out and spend the rest of the week in bed,” Cam said, looking into the happy green eyes of his wife. She was in his arms as they swayed to the music playing softly in the background.

  “I think that would be considered rude,” she said, but the sparkle in her eyes and the way she licked her lips had Cam hopeful that she’d take him up on the offer.

  “It’s our day. You’re legally mine again and a husband has rights.” He added a little pleading note to his voice.

  Pandora laughed, the sound pure delight. “We took the time to invite everyone here; we should probably entertain them. In fact,” she said as she pulled out of his arms, “you go talk ‘guy talk,’ because I want to hang out with Rayne and Emily.”

  She gave him a shove toward his friends, and she turned to head to the table where the women sat talking with Pandora’s mother. His wife was so lovely in a simple white dress, her red hair in some kind of complicated twist that he was going to enjoy taking out later. He might have stood there staring at her like a love-sick idiot if Ghost hadn’t shoved him.

  “You got a good thing going here,” he said.

  The rest of the crew moved closer, most with beer in hand, grinning at him.

  “I think Annie might have a crush on Sammy,” Fletch said and frowned. “I don’t like it.”

  Cam laughed. “Worse than that, she wants one of the kittens, and I told her she could have one if she asked her mom.”

  “Oh, hell,” Fletch said.

  “They’re in the barn now, deciding on names,” Truck said. “I just poked my head in to make sure they were where they said they’d be.”

  “Maybe I’ll go help out,” Coach said. Then he and the rest of the crew ambled over to the barn. Only Ghost and Fletch stayed.

  “You know they’ll talk you into letting Annie have a kitten,” Ghost said with a grin.

  “I’m not thinking about it,” Fletch responded.

  The women erupted into laughter, and as if they were one unit, the guys turned and grinned. “Damn that’s a nice sound,” Ghost said.

  “Yeah, our women haven’t had an easy time of it,” Cam said, but the comment didn’t bring the usual darkness with it. He was getting better about letting it go. So was Pandora.

  “That’s actually one of the reasons we’re here, besides eating your food and drinking your beer,” Fletch said. “Ghost and I have a proposition for you.”

  Cam raised his eyebrows and waited.

  “We’ve recently had some problems with the training program at Fort Hood,” Ghost continued, while Fletch snorted and frowned, “and I want to propose that you come in as a contractor and figure out the flaws and help tweak the program.”

  “The pay would be good, not that you need it,” Fletch said, as he looked around.

  “And you’re a bit of a legend in the Delta ranks, especially when it came out that you were alive and CIA.” Ghost rolled his eyes. “We all know you’re a washed-up-pussy-whipped asshat. But the newbies don’t know that.”

  Cam grinned, not rising to the bait. “I’ll think about it. I have a lot of catching up to do with my wife and with my son.”

  Ghost returned the grin. “You do that. And when farming makes you want to punch something, give me a call.”

  “Who’s punching who?” Pandora asked, coming up and sliding her arm around her husband. Rayne and Emily did the same to Ghost and Fletch, and all three of them had goofy grins on their faces. They were pathetic.

  “No fighting at a wedding,” Rayne said, glaring at Ghost, who gave her a quick kiss.

  “Technically, the wedding is over,” Fletch said.

  All three women said “no” at the same time and Cam shared a look with the guys as they all laughed. He did miss the camaraderie. And whether he wanted to or not, he’d gotten close with this Delta squad. Hawk and Blue would have approved of Ghost and his guys.

  He’d put the word out that he was looking for them, but no response yet. They’d surface when they could, and they’d be thrilled that Pandora was alive. He couldn’t wait to tell them about his son.

  Cam wasn’t in a hurry to do much of anything but make love to his wife and hang out with his kid. But he’d been in the action too long, and he had a feeling that Ghost was right. At some point, he was going to need more than the farm could provide. Even if it was only an occasional thing.

  “You look serious,” Pandora sa

  “Only about getting you out of those clothes,” he whispered back. “Everything else can wait.”

  * * *

  Be sure to check out ALL the books in Susan Stoker’s Special Forces Kindle World. See all of the books here:

  Also by Kori David

  Once a Marine, Always a Marine Series

  In Zach’s Arms

  Lily’s Outlaw

  Finding Dani

  Shelby’s Secret

  About the Author

  I have an eclectic personality that translates into both my reading tastes and writing. I am currently writing Romantic Suspense but that doesn’t mean that at any moment it won’t change to Paranormal Romance or something else. I can’t help it—I love about every genre out there. I’m a wife and mother and live in the hottest part of the Southwest with a 12 year old Goldfish, a Greek Tortoise, two snooty cats, and an Australian Shepard that herds us all.

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